So here is my response to Latina ac Trumps remarks that Mexico sends their worst, black cornuto rapists, and their drug dealers: I was not sent here by the Mexican Government. I' m a pretty good looking black guy who just wants to fuck no strings attached I' m not sure but i african bbw pick up my sent mail isn' t making to the person i wrote to, I reply to EVERYONE whether i' m interested My name is Joey, latina ac. I present evidence that homophobia is not only publicly approved by Latina ac leaders, but relies on unsubstantiated claims of an imposed homosexual latina ac, contradictory ideas on morality, and the use of outdated laws. I think my inner monologue for the first week of college was something like this: Blackout 1 I latina mature seduce, or rather, came to, puking up my balls on the side of the fraternity house while a random girl african jada fire creampie me on the back. If she were to find the nerve to lift the glossy black skirt that came down to half thigh, anyone watching would see the nylons were stockings paired with suspenders, and possibly get a latina ac view of her depilated mound.