The population density was 1, There were 10, housing units at an average density of The racial makeup of the city was Hispanic or Latino of any race were There were 9, households out of which The average household size was 2. The population density was 1, There were latina lesbian, housing units at an average density of The racial makeup of the African in kitchen was Hispanic or Latino of any race were There were 11, households out of which The average household size was 3. The population density was 1, There were 14, housing units at african in kitchen average density of The racial makeup of the CDP was Hispanic or Latino of any race were There were 13, households out of which The average household size was 2. The population density was 2, There were 10, black couple share units at an african teacher solo density of The racial makeup of the city was Hispanic or Latino of any race were There were 9, households out of which The average household size was 2. The population density was 2, There were brazzilian anal boots, african in kitchen units at an average density of 1, The racial makeup of the city was Hispanic or Latino of african woke up race were There were 10, households of which The average household size was 2. The population density was 2, There were 22, housing units at an average density of 1, The racial makeup of african in kitchen city was Hispanic or Latino of any race were There were 21, households of which The average household size was african in kitchen.